Residual waste that is part of human activity needs to be managed properly so as not to cause problems to human life or environmental disturbances such as environmental pollution , the spread of disease and reduced aesthetics . Success factors in the implementation of waste management will entirely depend on the willingness of Local Government and community awareness about the environment means clean . This willingness can be started from an understanding and awareness of the importance of waste management sector as one reflection of the successful management of the city . The fact is there are still some obstacles in the Waste Management Policy Program , including lack of public awareness to dispose of waste in place and the lack of facilities landfills while . The focus of this article are the factors that affect the implementation of waste management policies are approached with a case study in City Sintang. The results of this study indicate that there are four factors that affect the implementation of waste management policy , namely , policy programs , policy objectives , implementing elements ( implementor ) and environmental factors . The authors suggested that the program targets communities in order to be given counseling and discussions on waste management in their respective environments . Implementing elements in this department cleanliness , landscaping and fire Sintang in order to increase human resources and other support facilities in waste handling .
Keywords : Waste Management, Policy Targets, Managing Elements.
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PDFDOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.26418%2Fpublika.v2i3.227
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Pemimpin Umum/Penanggung Jawab
Dekan Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Tanjungpura
Wakil Pemimpin Umum
Wakil Dekan 1 Bidang Akademik Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Tanjungpura
Dewan Penyunting Kehormatan
Dr.H,Martoyo, MA, Dr.Herlan, M.Si, Dr.Dedi Kusnadi, M.Si, Drs.Sabran Achyar, M.Si, Prof.Dr. Sy. Ibrahim Alqadrie, Prof. Dr. A B Tangdililing, M.A., Prof. Dr. Arkanudin, M.Si, Prof. Dr. Redatin Parwadi, M.A, Dr.Lukman Jafar, M.Si, Drs.Sukamto,M.Si, Dr.Hj.Hardilina,M.Si, Dr.H.Mochtaria M.Noh, M.Si, Dr.Ngusmanto (Scopus ID: 57191224744)
Dewan Penyunting (Editorial Board)
Dr.Ira Patriani, Dr.Rusdiono, M.Si, Dra.Kartika Ningtyas, M.Si, Drs.Asmadi, M.Si, Bima Sujendra, M.Si, Dewi Utami, M.Si, Ully Nuzullian, M.Si, Dr.Hasanah, Dr.Ema Rahmaniah, Dr.Sri Maryuni, M.Si, Dr.Nurfitri Nugrahaningsih, M.Si, Dra.Yulianti, M.Si, Dra.Syarmiati, M.Si, Dr.Pardi, M.Si, Dr.Indah Listyaningrum,M.Si, Viza Juliansyah, S.Sos., M.A.
Publika, Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi Negara Fisip Untan, http://jurmafis.untan.ac.id. Publikasi hasil penelitian yang orisinil, dilakukan setelah melalui persetujuan editor program studi. Terbit 4 (empat) kali pertahun
Alamat: Kampus FISIP Untan Jl.Prof.Dr.H.Hadari Nawawi, Pontianak, Kalimantan Barat, Indonesia
ID SIS (Scientific Indexing Service: Journal ID:3696