Rahel E.21110103


The title of this article is the process of making service of Resident Identity Cards Seasonal in Pontianak City. Focused writing this article departing from the number of migrants from outside the city of Pontianak, especially students who do not have KIPEM, caused by complex requirements and procedure KIPEM manufacture. Research was conducted in order completed the requirements of the program completion strata 1 at the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, University of Tanjungpura. Purpose of this study is want to describe the service process in the manufacture of KIPEM in Pontianak. Methods used in this study is qualitative descriptive research, conducted through interviews with informant. Well as supported by the observation and study documentation.

The results showed that the process of making services KIPEM still felt quite complicated and convoluted by the immigrant students. Immigrant students have not fully know the procedures and requirements of making KIPEM, especially to meet the requirements of owners get KK reservoir boarding. Difficulty of obtaining reservoir due of Familly Card boarding house owner does not reside in the boarding house. This condition causes many immigrant students are reluctant to take care KIPEM complicated because the service process. On one side of the city government requires immigrants to have KIPEM student, but the other side the immigrant students find compicated to complicated the KIPEM manufacture.


Keywords: Seasonal Resident Identity Card (KIPEM), Service Requirements, Service Procedure.

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Pemimpin Umum/Penanggung Jawab

Dekan Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Tanjungpura

Wakil Pemimpin Umum

Wakil Dekan 1 Bidang Akademik Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Tanjungpura

Dewan Penyunting Kehormatan

Dr.H,Martoyo, MA, Dr.Herlan, M.Si, Dr.Dedi Kusnadi, M.Si, Drs.Sabran Achyar, M.Si, Prof.Dr. Sy. Ibrahim Alqadrie, Prof. Dr. A B Tangdililing, M.A., Prof. Dr. Arkanudin, M.Si, Prof. Dr. Redatin Parwadi, M.A, Dr.Lukman Jafar, M.Si, Drs.Sukamto,M.Si, Dr.Hj.Hardilina,M.Si, Dr.H.Mochtaria M.Noh, M.Si, Dr.Ngusmanto (Scopus ID: 57191224744)

Dewan Penyunting (Editorial Board)

Dr.Ira Patriani, Dr.Rusdiono, M.Si, Dra.Kartika Ningtyas, M.Si, Drs.Asmadi, M.Si, Bima Sujendra, M.Si, Dewi Utami, M.Si, Ully Nuzullian, M.Si, Dr.Hasanah, Dr.Ema Rahmaniah, Dr.Sri Maryuni, M.Si, Dr.Nurfitri Nugrahaningsih, M.Si, Dra.Yulianti, M.Si, Dra.Syarmiati, M.Si, Dr.Pardi, M.Si, Dr.Indah Listyaningrum,M.Si, Viza Juliansyah, S.Sos., M.A.

Publika, Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi Negara Fisip Untan, Publikasi hasil penelitian yang orisinil, dilakukan setelah melalui persetujuan editor program studi. Terbit 4 (empat) kali pertahun 

Alamat: Kampus FISIP Untan Jl.Prof.Dr.H.Hadari Nawawi, Pontianak, Kalimantan Barat, Indonesia 

ID SIS (Scientific Indexing Service: Journal ID:3696