Era Afna Purnata E.21111096


Writing a journal is intended to find out the process of implementing a public health insurance program in urban rivers in the ox . The problem in this study are still some people who have not registered are less capable as a health plan members . This happens because the government Jawi In River village still lacks the human resources in the collection of the poor . The purpose of this study was to determine the factors that affect the implementation of the Community Health Insurance Program in Urban River in Jawi . The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative analysis . The results showed in the process of implementing a health program targeted at policy targets underprivileged citizens , but there are still some people who have not registered . River Village Office resource Jawi work is still needed to improve the facilities and employees who have competence in the field of public service . Communication between organizations in the implementation of a health program in urban rivers in the ox has been going pretty well between the villages , health centers / hospitals and health authorities . Social and economic conditions also influence the success of a health program , social and economic conditions of the river ox in fairly good already and support the process of program implementation JAMKESMAS . From these results it can be concluded that the implementation of the program in the Village of River JAMKESMAS Jawi In not running optimally

Keywords : policy implementation , health insurance , resources 

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.26418%2Fpublika.v3i1.266

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Pemimpin Umum/Penanggung Jawab

Dekan Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Tanjungpura

Wakil Pemimpin Umum

Wakil Dekan 1 Bidang Akademik Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Tanjungpura

Dewan Penyunting Kehormatan

Dr.H,Martoyo, MA, Dr.Herlan, M.Si, Dr.Dedi Kusnadi, M.Si, Drs.Sabran Achyar, M.Si, Prof.Dr. Sy. Ibrahim Alqadrie, Prof. Dr. A B Tangdililing, M.A., Prof. Dr. Arkanudin, M.Si, Prof. Dr. Redatin Parwadi, M.A, Dr.Lukman Jafar, M.Si, Drs.Sukamto,M.Si, Dr.Hj.Hardilina,M.Si, Dr.H.Mochtaria M.Noh, M.Si, Dr.Ngusmanto (Scopus ID: 57191224744)

Dewan Penyunting (Editorial Board)

Dr.Ira Patriani, Dr.Rusdiono, M.Si, Dra.Kartika Ningtyas, M.Si, Drs.Asmadi, M.Si, Bima Sujendra, M.Si, Dewi Utami, M.Si, Ully Nuzullian, M.Si, Dr.Hasanah, Dr.Ema Rahmaniah, Dr.Sri Maryuni, M.Si, Dr.Nurfitri Nugrahaningsih, M.Si, Dra.Yulianti, M.Si, Dra.Syarmiati, M.Si, Dr.Pardi, M.Si, Dr.Indah Listyaningrum,M.Si, Viza Juliansyah, S.Sos., M.A.

Publika, Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi Negara Fisip Untan, http://jurmafis.untan.ac.id. Publikasi hasil penelitian yang orisinil, dilakukan setelah melalui persetujuan editor program studi. Terbit 4 (empat) kali pertahun 

Alamat: Kampus FISIP Untan Jl.Prof.Dr.H.Hadari Nawawi, Pontianak, Kalimantan Barat, Indonesia 

ID SIS (Scientific Indexing Service: Journal ID:3696